Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Beautiful is knowing that you exist. Beautiful is knowing that there is no one else CREATED like you. There may be some that look like you but no one else has gone through the same experiences that you have. No one else has made the same choices you have made. No one else has lived through the same consequences, of those choices, like you have. Beautiful is knowing that GOD LOVED you even before you knew WHO HE WAS and IS. HE KNOWS who you are now, with all your scars, and WHO you WILL BE when HE IS DONE FORMING you.

No one else has the same scars spiritually, mentally, or physically. These scars are what make you BEAUTIFUL, today. These scars are what make you like no one else in this world. These scars are the PRIZES of your life that you can keep and hold or SHARE with others that need your scars to help in their HEALING. Your scars are your medication for their wounds. Your scars are beautiful to them that really see them. GOD SEES your scars and KNOWS them. You are beautiful to HIM.

GOD CREATED the only you there is; BEAUTIFUL.


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